Are you ready to create a new category in cybersecurity?

Are you looking for ways to open up bigger opportunities? Are you looking for the perfect foot in the door for co-managed IT clients? IF SO, IT'S TIME to build a security-improving, revenue-generating, margin-making vCSO program within your MSP.

Galactic Watch




Beta Access to New Scripts from SecOps Calls And The Galactic Dev Team

Get valuable scripts for automating your security operations, keep your team on target and address the biggest issues confronting MSP security.

Security Training

Weekly SecOps Training tailored to fit MSPs, focusing on WHY rather than how.

Quarterly Vulnerability Analysis

Constantly scan your environment to identify new vulnerabilities before the hackers do.

Unlimited Level 1 Pen Tests

Our pen tests provide the reports and the training you need to drive a wedge between other IT support providers and your offerings.

Digital Asset Tracking

We map your critical data assets and validate their backup, retention, and restore capability.

Issue Follow Up

We follow up on tickets and validate that key items like test restores, firewalling, logging, and vulnerabilities are being addressed.

Monthly Coaching Calls

Group meetings with a security expert on next steps, upcoming issues, and strategic planning for client engagement (sales).

Weekly Office Hours

Our weekly office hour session covers everything from automation and security controls to sales.

Vulnerability Resolution Planning

Weekly implementation and planning calls to discuss security best practices and how to plan and address your outlying issues.

Reassessment of Completed Issues

We validate that vulnerabilities are truly eliminated.

Security Peer Group

Change how people think about their work through an ongoing peer-based accountability methodology.

Vulnerability Prioritization

Prioritize vulnerabilities based on their difficulty to fix versus the risk they present your organization.

Risk Analysis Group Meeting

Discuss and identify your highest risk items and provide a path to addressing them.

Policy and Procedure Management

Use our portal for keeping your policy and procedure manual up to date and accessible to your team while making sure you are performing annual reviews.

Chief Security Officer Training

On demand training on how to deliver CSO services. This comprehensive MSP-based framework includes the processes, schedules, checklists, and steps to make your program successful.

Risk Assessment Engine

Ability to analyze risk and tie it back to technical, administrative, and physical controls. Use our Level 1 Risk Assessments to educate clients and prospects on why they should invest in CSO services.

Access to our Exclusive vCSO Office Hours

Hear solutions to your biggest questions, learn better strategies, find out what others are running into at our weekly discussion focused on CSO sales, implementation, and service delivery.

Our Done-For-You ClientWatch vCSO Enablement Program

Don’t worry about retooling your MSP to provide CSO services. Our team takes care of the heavy lifting, maintaining the cadence, producing the reports, creating the decks, and evaluating the security program.

Chief Security Officer Sales Process

Our Chief Security Officer sales process moves your clients and prospects along the security journey from basic needs to security minded. It includes tools, scripts, templates, and reports to engage your existing clients and prospects.

Threat Intelligence Emails

Email content ready to forward to your clients on imminent threats. A critical part of any CSO program is making sure clients understand you are paying attention to the security threat scape. Not regularly communicating about pressing threats in a context clients understand, reduces your credibility.


Galactic Watch



1–14 MSP employees



15–29 MSP employees



30–74 MSP employees



75+ MSP employees

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